Monday, August 01, 2005


Another prayer request that I forgot to mention on Saturday is about our visas. Even if we get Raia's birth certificate tomorrow without any more problems, by the time we get her passport, our visas will have expired. Please pray that no one will check our visa during the overlap time between when they expire and when we can renew them. (But don't worry, moms, if they do check, we wouldn't be thrown in jail or anything. It would just be a fine.)

You can start praying now that the visa process will go smoothly, when we get around to that, too.

August 9 (and 13)
See Will's prayer update above for the latest.

August 21
We should be getting new visas next week. Then all we'll have to do is register them locally.

August 27
I frgot to say that the latest on our visas is in A plea for prayer from Will.