Saturday, August 06, 2005


This is the end of a Gospelink quarter, so we're busy with getting sponsorship money out to the missionaries, translating their letters, and other details. On Wednesday Will will be going to Moscow to meet with the men in that region.

Also, Dean Kershner will be coming over soon on Gospelink business, so pray for his trip and preparations here and there for his visit.

August 13
Will had a good and safe trip to Moscow. Please continue to pray for Dean's trip and other details.

August 27
Dean's in Russia now. Will's busy with lots of details and phone calls.

September 15
The visits went very well. They were able to see almost all of the men who are sponsored by Gospelink and get some new applications. Keep praying for us as we work on translations.

November 5
Please just pray that we can get through the Gospelink work that we have. Right now we have work from two quarters overlapping.

November 8
I forgot to ask you to pray about this request, but now you can praise the Lord with us for the answer. The email at Gospelink's office in south Florida has been down since hurricane Wilma. It came back up yesterday, just in time. We were really needing to communicate! Please pray that it will keep working; it sounded like things were still a little shakey.