Monday, August 12, 2013

Thank you so much for all your prayers, and even more, thanks to God for answering!

Church camp last week was great! I really enjoyed it, and I know the children did, too. We pray that what they learned will grow in them, and that they'll come to Sunday school and other opportunities to carry on with the relationships that were started or nurtured last week.

Please pray for us and the church here, as we say goodbye and move away. Pray that we finish well, and that no one would be hurt by our departure.

Praise God with us for the home that we'll be renting in Kherson. Please continue to pray as we plan the details of moving.

Pray for our health. After the busy week of Will in Kherson and camp for the rest of us, we're not feeling great.

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Will is in Kherson for a few days, looking at housing options. Please for for him to find a good place for us!

Church camp starts tomorrow. I will be teaching the preschoolers.