Monday, September 14, 2009


  • I don't want to give details, but Volodya needs prayer now more than ever.
  • BIG EXCITING NEWS: Will's parents are coming to visit at the end of the month.  Please pray for their travels and a good visit.  Please pray especially that they would be able to stay healthy!  So far, they have gotten sick every time they have visited us, and we would really like to avoid that this time.
  • Youth: This month Will is taking a break from the regular Wednesday night Bible study with the youth.  They're still getting together on those nights to plan for the upcoming weddings, though.  Yes, we have two weddings coming up soon!  And Will is still leading the regular Saturday night youth fellowship times.
  • Thank you for praying for the camping trip.  Not many of the younger kids came, because of cooler weather, but the church youth, our guests, and the few kids had a great time.
  • We had a great visit with Julie and Co., and they were able to get their visas renewed without any problems.
  • We've enjoyed two great Zhatva celebrations so far, and I wouldn't be surprised if there are more  coming.
  • School: I've started officially homeschooling Jaan.  We're having a great time with that so far!  Please pray for strength and energy and good attitudes for this new part of life.
Thank you so much for all your prayers!