Thursday, July 03, 2008

Catching up

We have had internet at home for a little while now, and it's time for me to get caught up here. God has answered so many prayers and blessed us so richly, that there's no way I can mention everything. Here are a few specific answers, though:
  • Internet! - Getting it installed was a long process, but it sure is nice to be back in touch now!
  • Apartment - The one I mentioned before has worked out beautifully. We've moved in and settled in, and we're enjoying our new home.
  • Registration - It has taken a while, but now we're officially registered.
  • Anna - Will's sister has come and gone. We had a great visit with her! So far, she's had safe travels all over Ukraine. Please keep praying for her. She'll be in this country until the end of July.
Now for some new prayer requests:
  • We had to be registered before we could have our boxes brought in from Russia. Now that we have registration out of the way, Will and the driver will get together to get the documents we need to do that. Please pray especially for getting everything through customs. The Ukrainian border is notoriously bad and expensive. There are unofficial set prices for every single step of the way. (Did you know that for $1200 you can go around customs completely?) It could be complicated without us--the owners--there at the border.
  • This is the second week of daily construction work for the men at church. Please pray for safety, endurance and good progress. (Pray for me at home, as I put our children to bed alone every night. That's the hardest part for me.)
  • The youth meet Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. They're very active, but they want leadership and direction. They often ask Will to lead meetings. Please pray for him as he prepares and does that.
  • Day camp will probably be in August.
I'll probably come up with more soon, but there are some specific praises and prayers for now. Thank you for joining us in prayer!