Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Well. . .

I was going to say that all is quiet on the front here. Will and the Baptist Union lawyer turned in the papers on Tuesday to register them to invite me. There were a few more documents necessary, so Will is going to get them in Ivanovo tomorrow, and then turn them in as soon as possible in Vladimir. Pray for all of that to go quickly.

But. . . .
The local law enforcement officers came back again today to fill out charges against me. This is the second time since Will got back from Kiev. Now I'll be going in to talk to them on Friday morning at 10:00 and see what their boss has decided to do about me. (They know I have a nursing baby, so he's not going to take more than an hour.) Please pray for me! Up until now, Will has done all the talking. He's much better at explaining clearly than I am. Pray for mercy again, too.