Saturday, April 28, 2007

Apartment adventures

Keep praying that our landlord would find someone to keep his daughter tonight. The director of our building has said that she was willing to take her for a night, but she's not home right now. He has someone for tomorrow, but if he can't find the director (or someone else) for tonight, she'll have to come here. I'd really rather not send Seryozha away now, even just for one night. (Although, we can probably figure something out there, too. He's been with us, because he just got paid, and his mother wants his money for a drinking binge. It seems like if he left his money here, then he could sleep there. It just wouldn't be great. Yes, he has a mother, but there are reasons that he grew up in an orphanage. )

And. . . we'll probably be moving before too long. There's someone who had wanted to rent to us on the first floor here, in our same building, same entrance. We had decided against it, because the apartment is a little smaller, the windows only face the back, and it just didn't seem like much of an improvement. Honestly, please pray for me to adjust back to being excited about that apartment. It will be wonderful to be away from the stairs and the leaky roof and the fifth-floor heat! And our prayers have been for our landlord to work out his family problems; this will be a direct answer to those prayers.