Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Visa registration

Ivan (the camp director) just called to say that they're having some problems with the visas that he registered in Vladimir. So far, none of the Americans are in trouble, but the hotel where they registered is being investigated for not registering their visas correctly. Also, Ivan is worried that they'll be checking us (Will and me) out next, because they were interested in who registered Abby here. Please pray!

June 21
Anna said that they spent five hours at the passport office yesterday, and it doesn't sound like they made any progress. They were threatened with deportation, but she said, "we won't know about that until next week." They're hopeful, though, because one of the ladies was very nice to them. You can also be praying for the two Moldavian girls who are in the same situation with Anna and Abby.

June 25
No update, but I do have a correction. Abby's visa is fine. It's Anna, the other Americans, and the two Moldavians who are having trouble.