Thursday, March 30, 2006

Our roof

Last night we fell asleep to the sound of rain, which means Spring! It also means new wet spots on our walls and ceiling. I was beginning to think that God had "healed" our roof, because we had so few leaks over the winter. I guess not. Also, Will can shovel snow, but rain. . . .

Please pray that we wouldn't have too much hard rain, that the roof would drain, and that maybe our neighbors would agree to get it fixed.

April 10
Thank you for praying. We had some wonderful sunny days. Now we're back to rain and snow (which melts), though. Pray for our neighbors, because their leaks are much worse than ours right now. I noticed that there's a new greeting for the fifth-floor dwellers in this building: "Hi! How's your roof?"

September 4
Our roof is finally fixed! Praise the Lord! We're having constant rain, and no wet spots indoors.