Monday, November 14, 2005

Gospelink 3rd quarter

Will's already met with some of the men from out here. He's going to Moscow tomorrow to meet with everyone in that area. Please pray for safe trips for him and the others who will be coming in to the city. And then you can pray for us as we work on paperwork, translations, contacting people, and other details.

November 19
Meetings continue, letters are coming in.

December 10
I'm working on translations.

January 12
STILL working on those translations. I'd love to get to where we don't have quarters overlapping anymore, which means we really need to get moving.

January 23
Getting closer! Dean is leaving for Africa on Monday, so we have to finish up this week. The fourth quarter money hasn't come in yet, which means it looks like we'll meet my goal of no more overlapping quarters.