Thursday, September 15, 2005


Will is now officially the youth leader here. His main responsibility will be the Saturday night Bible studies. He says to pray that he'll actually do something in this new position and that he'll be an encouragement.

September 26
We're having a planning meeting for youth ministry here on Thursday.

October 1
The meeting went well, and you can look at the new prayer requests to see what we worked on.

November 5
Tonight Will is starting a new Bible study on the Christian life with the church youth.

November 14
Now that the club is on Saturday nights, we need to have a different night for a more serious Bible study. Please pray that we will be able to agree on a time, and that the church youth will come.

November 26
Last Sunday we were able to have everyone over for supper and Bible study. That worked well, so hopefully we'll be able to continue it.