Saturday, July 23, 2005


Since we moved here our hot water has been off and on (sometimes off for months at a time). Right now it's been off for a few months because of a leak, but there's hope of it being fixed soon! I'd like prayer for a permanent--or at least more permanent--fix this time.

Please pray for Will this weekend. Each apartment is responsible to dig 3 meters of the trench for the pipes. He was out late last night working on that, and he still has more to do. Praise the Lord for this opportunity for him to spend time with the neighbors! Pray for good conversations and for him to be able to balance his time between digging and increased church responsibilities.

You can pray for me to be patient with the water being off and on. Today it's completely off all day, and that gets challenging with baby messes and toddler activity.

July 30
There won’t be hot water as fast as I had thought, but they are making progress. The cold water was only off for a day, so praise the Lord for that. Will was able to prepare for the youth meeting and his sermon last week, in the midst of the busyness. We are getting to know our neighbors better; yesterday we all went out while Will worked, so I got to talk to some of the other mothers, too.

August 2
WE HAVE HOT WATER! I'm going to take a very nice, long bath tonight.

September 15
It's been off quite a bit lately, so, again, pray for me to be patient.